This week featured the release of 437 pages of polling data from all 50 states via the CBS/NYT/YouGov polls. While there were a handful of oddball results, it was not too many more than might be expected from your average group of 60+ election polls. When the margin (D-R) of each poll was compared to a local regression of all polls in each respective contest (when possible), the YouGov polls, on average, were only about half a point more Republican in the margin than the polling average. Also, keep in mind that there were simply too few respondents in some of the smaller states (ND, SD, VT, and WY).
Here's a graph of how YouGov Senate and Governor polls have compared to the polling averages since 2010 (a handful of polls from earlier in the cycle have not been included):

Help elect more and better Democrats this November! Please give $3 to Daily Kos' endorsed candidates and strike a blow against Republicans.Below the fold, a few interesting nuggets of information from this massive data release.
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